Fashion blog by Stephanie Arant

Selling Your Clothes: What Thrift Stores Want

January 23, 2013


The time has come, packed closets, overflowing drawers and your bed buried beneath all of your failed outfit attempts of the week, time to clean house. Being the frequent shopper that I am there are pivotal moments in my life when I realize I have a full closet of clothes yet only wear the same 6 tops, 2 pair of leggings and tights with shorts combos. My usual route of disposal was simple, donate to goodwill. The thought of taking a full day to drive around attempting to sell my clothes made me cringe, much rather spend my day shopping.

There is an advantage to selling your clothes to trendy thrift stores however. For one you’ll get some money back or in other cases, store credit. Some of the more popular second hand stores I visit include Buffalo Exchange, Wasteland and Deelux. In my first attempt at selling I failed miserably. A huge bag of clothes and all that was purchased was a jacket for $5. After analyzing the clothes in the stores I realized my problem.

1. Too many tees.

2. Too basic.

3. Not trendy.

The moral of this story is to either sell your clothes when you stop wearing them (no hoarding) or limit yourself to selling your most unique items. More than likely they will be what those “thrifters” are looking for. Don’t forget! You can always check out a thrift store before hand to see what kind of merchandise they are buying. When in doubt, you can always raid grandmas closet to make some extra cash. Cheers.

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